Portofoliului diversificat de produse ale producătorului FRILO se bazează pe metoda de calcul static. Cu 149 de programe personalizate, acoperă o gamă largă de tipuri de structuri, oferind verificări precise și orientate pe componente. Acesta asigură o varietate impresionantă de funcții care abordează în mod eficient problemele structurale din activitățile zilnice ale inginerilor structuriști.
Beneficiile divizării unei structuri în elemente individuale sunt evidente: efortul necesar pentru modelare, calcul și prelucrare este minimizat. De asemenea, calculele sunt deosebit de transparente și ușor de înțeles. În plus, efectele locale asupra capacității portante pot fi înregistrate mai bine și mai fiabil. În ansamblu, utilizatorii beneficiază de introduceri rapide și simple, operare intuitivă și rezultate bine structurate.
Pachetul Ultimate conține următoarele module:
Reinforced Concrete Column
Punching Shear Analysis
Beam on Elastic Foundation
Hip/Valley Rafter
Continuous Beam
Continuous Rafter
Isolated Foundation
Document Designer
Strip Foundation
Building Model
Timber Column
Wind and Snow Loads
Masonry Design
Slabs by Finite Elements
Single-span Steel Column
Verification of Reinforced Concrete Cross-Sections
Polygonal Design and Temperature Analysis for B2
Temperature Design for B5+
High-Strength Steel for B5+ (SAS670)
Flight of Stairs
Prestressed Reinforced Concrete Girder
Reinforced Concrete Corbel
Reinforced Concrete Half Joint
Crack Width Verification
Flush Beam
Reinforcement Layout for BEB+
Dynamically Balanced Tank
Strut-and-Tie Model Reinforced Concrete
Basement Wall
Rafter Purlins
Collar Beam Roof
Purlin and Rafter Roof
FRILO BIM-Connector®
Reinforcement Graphics for Foundations
Reinforced Raft Foundation
Seismic Analysis for GEO
Horizontal Load Transfer for GEO
Measurement of Quantities for GEO
Timber Wall Diaphragms
Load Compilation
Basement Masonry Wall
Multi-storey Masonry Wall
Masonry Column
Cross-Sectional Properties
Walls by Finite Elements
Steel Column Base
Cross-Sectional Properties
Volume Calculation
Half Joint Slab
Deformation without Check
Column Load Transfer
Indirect Support
Line Corbel Slab
Line Corbel Beam
Line Corbel Wall
Shear Dowel
Threaded Rod
Frame Corner with Positive Moment
Splitting Force
Partial Loaded Area
Notch Stairs Top
Notch Stairs Bottom
Horizontal Beam Interface
Deep Beam
Fire Protection Beam
Fire Protection Slab
Fire Protection Ribbed Slab
Fire Protection Wall and Column
Approximation floor slab design
Timber Compression
Timber Compression, Steel Plate
Collar Beam Connection with Connector Joints
Collar Beam Connection with Cleat
TB Collar Beam Connection with Nails
Purlin Support with Cleat
Rafter Support
Rafter Base Point
Rafter Base Point with Cleat
Rafter Base Point with Haunched Cleat
Sleeper Anchoring
Würth Tension Anchors
Infill Masonry
Bearing Pressure
Non-bearing Inner Partition
Cantilevered Retaining Wall
Antenna Mast Design
Slope Failure Analysis
Lateral Torsional Buckling Analysis
Continuous Beam Reinforced Concrete
Biaxial-Bending for BTM+
Reinforcement Layout for BTM+
Glued Laminated Girder
Earth Pressure Calculation
Pad Foundation
Mast Foundation
Trusses Timber
Trusses Steel
Bearing Resistance Failure
Mechanically Jointed Beams
Skew Notch Joint
Timber Tension Joint
Timber Frame Corner
Verification of Timber Cross-Sections
Timber Construction Details
Timber Truss Joint
Single Fastener Timber Joint
Dovetail Connection
Cross Laminated Timber Beams
Continuous Beam Timber
Biaxial-Bending for HTM+
Reinforced Timber Beam
Pile Foundation
Buckling Analysis
Thinwalled Cross Section
Steel Cross-Sections
3D Calculation for RSX
Dynamics for RSX
Design of Reinforced Concrete for RSX
Design of Timber for RSX
Design of Steel for RSX
Generation of Loads with Panels for RSX
Stability Steel for RSX
Portal Frame
Steel Chimney Design
Steel Chimney anchored by ropes for S8+
Crane Runway Girder
Soil Settlement
Fin Plate
Gravity Wall
Bill Of Materials (Sectional Steel).
Butt Plate Joint
Verification of Steel Cross-Sections
Screwed Frame Corner
Welded Frame Corner
Steel Girder Support
Weld Design
Pocketed Steel Column Base
Bolted Steel Connection
Steel Bracing
Shear Panel Stiffness
Base Flange
Continuous Beam Steel
Biaxial-Bending for STM+
Steel Frame
Single-span Steel Beam
Stability Analysis for Steel
Typified Steel Connections
Steel Angle Connection
Tunnel Frame (2-Cell)
Composite Column
Composite Beam
Wind Loads
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